
Revolutionise Your Homeschool with a Personalised Curriculum

Nurture Your Homeschool is the only course that teaches you how to create a personalised curriculum that meets your child’s unique needs and interests.


Are you looking for a curriculum that is high-quality, easy, and your children actually love it?

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by the choices of homeschool curriculums available?

Do you worry that your child is bored or not learning enough?

Nurture Your Homeschool is the answer.

My online course teaches you a step-by-step system for creating a homeschool curriculum that is tailored to your family’s unique needs.

Homeschool planning course lessons curriculum

Here’s what you’ll learn in Nurture Your Homeschool

How to identify your child’s learning style, interests, and needs

How to include your own values and interests

How to choose the right curriculum for your family

How to create engaging and successful lesson plans

How to record your learning for easy homeschool registration

Homeschooling course lessons curriculum planning

By the end of the course, you’ll have a complete curriculum that is tailored to your family’s unique needs. 

And you’ll have the confidence to homeschool your child with success.

“I felt so overwhelmed by all the choices of homeschool curriculums. I almost gave up! But then I found Nurture Your Homeschool. Carmen’s system helped me see my son’s learning style and interests so I could choose the right curriculum for him. Now he’s happy, so I am too!” – Sarah J

Nurture Your Homeschool can help you overcome

Feeling overwhelmed by the choices of products available

Worrying what other people say about your homeschool

Feeling like you don’t have the right knowledge to choose the curriculum yourself

Staying within your budget

Nurture Your Homeschool teaches you a step-by-step system for evaluating your curriculum so you don’t feel overwhelmed by all the choices.

Homeschool planning lessons curriculum online course
Self directed independent learning homeschool

Nurture Your Homeschool also teaches you how to create a tailored curriculum that aligns with your family’s values.  You will feel confident that you’re providing your child with an incredible education – even if other people don’t agree with your choices.

Nurture Your Homeschool is affordable and accessible to everyone. I understand homeschooling can be expensive, so you will have lifetime access to this content for a one-off, low price.

thinking about homeschooling

Enrol Today and Start Creating a Curriculum Your Whole Family Will Love!

“Nurture Your Homeschool is the best homeschooling investment I’ve ever made. Carmen’s lessons are easy to follow and the process really works. My kids and I are really loving our homeschool now. I see them motivated and enjoying their schoolwork now. I’m enjoying homeschooling more than ever.” – Alex D

About Carmen

Carmen Smith Magic Art Homeschool

Hey homeschooler!  I can’t wait to get to know you and see your homeschool thrive.

I have homeschooled for ten years now and I have felt all the things you are struggling with.  I spent too much time (and money!) looking for the perfect curriculum.  I felt frustrated when my kids didn’t love my beautifully curated lessons.  I was tired, overwhelmed, and at my wits end.  And I struggled to defend my homeschooling choices when people shared their critical opinions!

Eventually I asked myself, “When my kids have grown up and moved out, what will have really mattered?”

I suddenly realised, the curriculum, the lessons, the excursions – none of that mattered if we weren’t happy together.  What I really valued was: relationships, high quality learning, and catering to my children’s needs.

With a background education, having studied an Associate Degree in Educational Studies, I knew how to develop a quality education for my children.  I just needed to shift my mindset and approach my curriculum planning in an entirely new way.  

So how would I achieve this?!

First, before I even started down the rabbit hole of Google and curriculum reviews, I spent some time looking closely at my child.  What did they like?  What fired them up?  Where did they need extra help?

Next, I considered myself.  After all, I spend a lot of time in my homeschool, I want to enjoy it too!  What did I like doing and teaching?  What was important to me and my family?

Finally, once I was clear on these factors – choosing the right learning resources for my curriculum was oh so easy.

These days, I love my homeschool and my relationship with my children.  No, we aren’t perfect!  We have our messy days (and messy bedrooms!), and I still refine my curriculum choices regularly.  But now I know how and why to choose the right resources, and my children genuinely love learning.

Now it’s over to you.  Join me in Nurture Your Homeschool and I will give you my simple system, complete with lessons and worksheets, so you can create the homeschool curriculum that is right for your family.

Are you ready to create a curriculum that is high-quality, engaging, and tailored to your family's unique needs?

homeschool planning curriculum course

Enroll in the Nurture Your Homeschool online course today and start creating a curriculum that your whole family will love!

Wish you knew how to make your homeschool more exciting for your whole family?

You are not alone.

The truth is, most homeschoolers – new or experienced – find themselves feeling like their homeschool doesn’t feel right at one stage or another.

That's unless...

You learn the magic art of homeschool…

Inside this course, I will teach you how to create a homeschool plan and build a curriculum that works for everyone in your family.

You will inspired, motivated, and equipped with resources to help your family homeschool your way.

Homeschool planning course lessons curriculum

Worried your child isn’t doing enough?

How to make your expectations that are right for your family.

Do you find yourself comparing your child’s achievements against others?  Or worrying they are not ticking all the boxes?

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself: “What will matter in twenty years?” 

I bet it won’t be that math textbook, the comparison with the kid down the road, or the stressful homeschool registration!

I will help you break down what your child really needs, and what matters most to your family.

Find yourself buying all the latest curriculum items but never feeling satisfied?

Find out how to choose curriculum your children love.

It might look pretty on the Instagram, or seem like the right idea at 11pm.  But until you truly understand what is important and useful to your family, you will struggle to find the right curriculum.

Nurture Your Homeschool will help you learn how to pick the best curriculum resources for your child.  No more wasted money and impulse purchases!

Homeschool planning lessons curriculum online course

It is time for you to fall in love with your homeschool each and every day.

Feel confident about your homeschool

Meet your children’s needs

Enjoy every day

Build amazing Memories

Who is it for?

All homeschoolers, everywhere.

Do you:

  • Feel like your homeschool isn’t good enough?
  • Worried your children are not achieving enough?
  • Burned out and wanting deeper connection with your family? 
  • Confused about which curriculum to buy? 
  • Tired of wasting money on programs that don’t suit your family?
  • Long for a homeschool that reflects your family?  

How it works

Introducing the Magic Art of Homeschool

It’s actually easy to plan your homeschool and curriculum.

Unlike traditional homeschool planning which is all about lesson plans, textbooks, and curriculums.  My system follows three easy steps (you will learn about them in the three modules within this course).

Nurture Your Homeschool Process Diagram

1. Nurture your CHILD

Start your planning with a focus on your child – not education standards, curriculums, or outcomes.

2. Nurture YOURSELF

Consider your own needs, as well as those of your family and community.

3. Nurture your CURRICULUM

Once you really understand your child, yourself, and your family it is easy to plan the perfect curriculum.

The result?

You can feel confident that your homeschool is meeting all the needs of your children and you will look back in twenty years feeling grateful you invested your time the right way.


What's included?

Printable Journal

A beautiful resource you can use as many times as you like for your whole family.

Helpful tips for Registration

Resources to make homeschool registration easy and stress free.

Practical Activities

Apply the learning from each lesson directly to your homeschool.

Immediate Access

No waiting for drip content, access immediately and move at your own pace.

3 Learning Modules

Learn the simple 3 step approach to homeschool planning.

15 Lessons

Download and listen to your lessons anywhere or follow along with the written transcripts.

Access Anywhere

Access online using your desktop, tablet, or mobile.


Daily & Weekly Planning Tool

Extra structure and resources to help you create your daily and weekly homeschool plans.

Learning Record Tool

Templates to record your learning for your own records or your homeschool registration.

The benefits

You will finally know how to build a curriculum that is perfect for your family. 

You will feel clear and confident about your child’s interests, skills, and challenges.

You will know how to prioritise yourself during these homeschooling years.

Nurture Your Homeschool is:


Suitable for all styles

Suitable for all ages


Something to get excited over

This is not another homeschool planner that doesn’t suit your family.

This is not another curriculum you end up tossing in the bin.

Nurture Your Homeschool is a new approach, a new way of looking at, and loving your homeschool.

Homeschooling course lessons curriculum planning

I learned the hard way, so you don't have to.

Let me tell you my story.

I have been homeschooling for almost a decade and I have learned A LOT! 

When I started homeschooling my eldest ten years ago (how has it been that long?!) I had some pretty high expectations.  I expected her to learn faster, work harder, do more than kids her age.  I wanted to do all the lessons, every day, and I never wanted to miss an excursion.  We were B.U.S.Y!

I don’t think you will be surprised to hear I burned myself out pretty quickly and by the time my second child reached school age I was starting to second guess myself.

But somewhere along this journey my children taught me an amazing lesson…  I was right to trust their ability to learn without the stress, I was right to let them take the time they needed to master concepts, I was right to keep my expectations checked and realistic.  And most importantly, I realised that I never regretted about failing to reach the end of the math textbook, or cancelling that science excursion so we could stay home and play board games.

When I would look back on the years as they passed, I only ever regretted not giving my kids enough time, patience, play and trust.

So I developed a planning tool that took the lessons from my past and helped me aim for a better future.

I created three easy-to-follow steps that you can learn so you can plan the kind of homeschool you will love to remember.

In Nurture Your Homeschool I will hold your hand as we break down assumptions about homeschool planning and curriculum and I will be with you step by step.

Carmen Smith Magic Art Homeschool

Where are the bonus steak knives?

Did you really think there would be no bonuses?  What kind of an online course would that be? 

Of course I have some extras for you.

Learning Records Free Inclusion
Bonus One -
How to Record Your Learning

Tools to record the learning so you can show it at a homeschool registration or for personal records.

Value – $27 AUD

Learning Records Free Inclusion
Bonus Two -
How to Plan Your Homeschooling Day (or Week)

Daily and weekly planning tools to help you put all your new ideas into practice.

Value – $27 AUD

Your Investment

Venn Diagram purchase

You can’t put a price on the perfect homeschool.

But, if I had to, it would be $97AUD.

For this affordable price you will have:

Common FAQs:

Yes!  Nurture Your Homeschool is perfect for any homeschool philosophy or style.  This method of planning is all about creating the homeschool that works for your family and homeschool style.

Homeschool regulations are different all around the world.  But Nurture Your Homeschool is perfect for any homeschool because it teaches you mindset, attitude, as well as curriculum advice.

Some children need more customised learning programs than others.  Nurture Your Homeschool will help you identify what is right for your child and how you can best meet all their needs.

Because, fellow homeschooler, YOU are important too!  These years are wildly short and you want to have the best time with your children.  You will have a better time if it’s actually fun for you as well.

You’ve got audio lessons, written lessons, a printable workbook, printable worksheets so you can use the resources with multiple children, planning and recording diaries.

Absolutely!  The more the merrier.  Nurture Your Homeschool will help you create a learning environment that works for everyone.

Every child is unique and deserves a homeschool that excites them.  Nurture Your Homeschool will help you focus on your child and your whole family so everyone enjoys their homeschool years.

This is a digital product with immediate access so there are no refunds.

Contact me to discuss your group options!

Even if you’re only homeschooling part time, you still want it to be the best time.  Nurture Your Homeschool helps you feel confident to embrace whatever homeschooling routine works for your family.

Are you feeling a bit confused?  Not sure if this is right for you?  I’d love to chat and help you decide!

With no pressure at all, feel free to send me an email at contact@themagicartofhomeschool.com (I promise I’ll write back and help you out.  No boring automated sales pitches – just genuine connection from me to you).

Focus on the memories ...
not the textbooks.

Where to from here?

You could keep feeling frustrated, disappointed, overwhelmed, and insecure about your homeschool and miss the opportunity to embrace these years before they are over.


You can start building a homeschool learning environment that sparks joy, inspiration, and becomes something you look back on with love and reverence once your children are grown.

There is some fine print, but it's all pretty straight forward.

This course will change your homeschool.  I know it!  But, there are a few things to remember before you sign up.

  1. This course does not provide, or replace, legal advice about your homeschooling or homeschool registration.
    1. Every country (and sometimes individual states) have individual legislation, rules, and requirements about homeschooling.
    2. This course will give you the confidence to navigate your regulation system because you will feel so in control of your homeschool.  But I recommend you always go to your local regulatory body to get information about the legal side of homeschooling.
  2. I can’t guarantee everyone will be nice to you about your homeschool.
    1. You might already be finding that some people are very opinionated about homeschooling.
    2. This course won’t stop your Aunty Mary from telling you that you are destroying your children’s lives – but it will help you feel better about what you are doing so you can brush her comments aside.
  3. The information we will cover does not replace professional education advice, interventions, or therapies.
    1. If your child has special needs, I encourage you to explore any resources you need to make sure they receive the care they need.
    2. I won’t be able to tell you about specific learning programs, learning disabilities, or diagnoses.  But I will empower you to advocate for your child and to find the answers that your family needs and wants.

If you need to ask me any questions before you sign up, drop me an email and I can help you decide if this is the right fit for you. contact@themagicartofhomeschool.com

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