Homeschool planning course lessons curriculum

Wish your homeschool projects were a bit more exciting?

Interest based, child-led learning made easy. Plan Perfect Projects teaches you 4 simple steps to make project-based learning achievable and exciting.

Tired of battling your child to do their schoolwork?

Homeschooling doesn’t have to be so hard.

You can follow your child’s lead and develop exciting lesson plans and projects that are rich in learning, and full of memories.

Interested in child-led learning?

You can follow your child’s lead and give them a rich education at the same time.  Learn how to track your child’s interests and turn them into actionable projects.

Want more of a cross curriculum approach?

Standard textbooks can be so uninspiring.  Learn how to combine multiple curriculum topics in one project, and how to demonstrate the learning in your records.


Plan Perfect Projects is part project-based, part child-led, and wholly focussed on your unique family.

Who is it for?

All homeschoolers, everywhere.

  • Wish you knew how to follow your child’s lead?
  • Feeling uninspired by your current curriculum?
  • Sick of buying curriculums your kids hate?
  • Not sure what it takes to cover off enough areas of learning?
  • Want to know how to record project-based learning for your registration?

How it works

The 4-part system

Step 1: The List.

Every time you think of an idea for a project you add to this list. When you are ready to create some projects, you can come to this list for a topic.

Step 2: The Map.

Identify where your child’s knowledge and skill is right now, where they would like to be at the end of the project, and then think about how you can get there.

Step 3: The Action.

Take your map and turn it into a real journey. Plan out the resources, steps, and activities you will work on during this project and do it!

Step 4: Reflections.

As you are working on your project you will keep track of all your learning so you can be sure you get to the right end point. You can even use this track record for your homeschool registrations if you need to.

The result?

An excited, inspired, and connected family.  You will love your time together, learn so many amazing things, and have wonderful memories.

Perfect Projects Online Course MockUp

What's included?

Printable Journal

A beautiful resource you can use as many times as you like for your whole family.

Helpful tips for Registration

Resources to make homeschool registration easy and stress free.

Immediate Access

No waiting for drip content, access immediately and move at your own pace.

Access Anywhere

Access online using your desktop, tablet, or mobile.

The benefits

Your child will love studying projects and topics they enjoy.

You will feel confident creating your own customised projects.

You will have clear records of your learning for memories or registrations.

Something to get excited over

One-sized-fits all curriculum rarely satisfy learners.  Plan Perfect Projects will empower you to create lessons and activities that truly inspire your family.

Homeschooling course lessons curriculum planning

I learned the hard way, so you don't have to.

Let me tell you my story.

I have been homeschooling for almost a decade and I have learned A LOT! 

When I started homeschooling my eldest ten years ago (how has it been that long?!) I had some pretty high expectations.  I expected her to learn faster, work harder, do more than kids her age.  I wanted to do all the lessons, every day, and I never wanted to miss an excursion.  We were B.U.S.Y!

I don’t think you will be surprised to hear I burned myself out pretty quickly and by the time my second child reached school age I was starting to second guess myself.

But somewhere along this journey my children taught me an amazing lesson…  I was right to trust their ability to learn without the stress, I was right to let them take the time they needed to master concepts, I was right to keep my expectations checked and realistic.  And most importantly, I realised that I never regretted about failing to reach the end of the math textbook, or cancelling that science excursion so we could stay home and play board games.

When I would look back on the years as they passed, I only ever regretted not giving my kids enough time, patience, play and trust.

So I developed a planning tool that took the lessons from my past and helped me aim for a better future.

I created three easy-to-follow steps that you can learn so you can plan the kind of homeschool you will love to remember.

In Nurture Your Homeschool I will hold your hand as we break down assumptions about homeschool planning and curriculum and I will be with you step by step.

Carmen Smith Magic Art Homeschool


Cheaper than a textbook.

Plan Perfect Projects is just $37AUD.

I bet you’ve spent more on late-night impulse buys.  At least your kids will love this one.

You will receive:

  • Lifetime access to the materials
  • A beautiful printable workbook so you can re-use
  • A simplified 4-step process to guide your homeschool project planning

Common FAQs:

Plan Perfect Projects takes a child-led approach to project planning.  So if you’re keen to bring a little bit of interest-based learning into your homeschool menu, then this will work perfectly for you.

Homeschool regulations are different all around the world.  But Plan Perfect Projects will give you the tools and resources to create projects that align with your local regulations.

Some children need more customised learning programs than others.  Plan Perfect Projects will help you identify what is right for your child and how you can best meet all their needs.

You will learn a 4-step approach to project-planning.  You will receive a downloadable, printable journal and individual worksheets so you can re-use with as many children as you need to.

Absolutely!  The more the merrier.  Plan Perfect Projects will help you create projects that inspire everyone.  

Every child is unique and deserves a homeschool that excites them.  Plan Perfect Projects will help you focus on your child and develop projects they love.

This is a digital product with immediate access so there are no refunds.

Contact me to discuss your group options!

Even if you’re only homeschooling part time, you still want it to be the best time.  Plan Perfect Projects helps you feel confident to embrace whatever homeschooling routine works for your family.

Are you feeling a bit confused?  Not sure if this is right for you?  I’d love to chat and help you decide!

With no pressure at all, feel free to send me an email at contact@themagicartofhomeschool.com (I promise I’ll write back and help you out.  No boring automated sales pitches – just genuine connection from me to you).

Where to from here?

You could keep battling your children to complete the boring textbook.


You can follow their lead, trust your instinct, and create amazing projects and learning opportunities that your whole family loves.

There is some fine print, but it's all pretty straight forward.

This project-planning tool will make your life so much easier.  But, there are a few things to remember before you sign up.

  1. This course does not provide, or replace, legal advice about your homeschooling or homeschool registration.
    1. Every country (and sometimes individual states) have individual legislation, rules, and requirements about homeschooling.  
    2. This course will give you the confidence to navigate your regulation system because you will feel so in control of your homeschool.  But I recommend you always go to your local regulatory body to get information about the legal side of homeschooling.
  2. The information we will cover does not replace professional education advice, interventions, or therapies.
    1. If your child has special needs, I encourage you to explore any resources you need to make sure they receive the care they need.
    2. I won’t be able to tell you about specific learning programs, learning disabilities, or diagnoses.  But I will empower you to trust your child’s interests and skills and follow their lead to build exciting lesson plans and projects.

If you need to ask me any questions before you sign up, drop me an email and I can help you decide if this is the right fit for you. contact@themagicartofhomeschool.com


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