
Homeschool Reflections

Get to know what is and isn’t working in your homeschool so you can make it better.

Understand what your child needs, find out what works best for you, and adapt it so your whole family is happier.

Hey Homeschooler 👋!

When I first started homeschooling I tried so many curriculums and learning resources but I just couldn’t find anything that was perfect.  Sometimes a program would work for a few weeks, and then my child rejected it.  Sometimes it suited one child well enough, and not another.  And sometimes it just didn’t work at all like the pictures on Instagram!

I couldn’t understand why it was so difficult to find a program that ticked all the boxes.

Carmen Smith Magic Art Homeschool

I spent a lot of time planning incredible curriculum programs, excursions, and events but I would still get to the end of the year feeling like we had too many gaps and topics missed.

I got stressed.  I was worried I wasn’t doing enough, I started to question whether I could actually give my kids a good enough education.  I worried for their futures.  

So I decided I would try something radically different.  Instead of planning my homeschool based on educational outcomes I invested more time and energy reflecting deeply upon each of my children, considering my own needs, and thinking about how my family as a whole was working.  I got to really know what was and what wasn’t working in my homeschool.  And when I got clear on this, all of a sudden it became easier to find ways around the shortcomings.

I went back to school myself and I achieved an Associate Degree in Educational Studies.  I learned about classic and contemporary academic theories.  I pondered child and behavioural development.  I wrapped my head around different learning styles, zones of development, and how to differentiate learning programs to meet various educational outcomes.  I learned how entire education systems were developed and implemented.  And in the midst of all of this, I balanced all my learning against the lived experience of homeschooling and I realised: I could do so much more for my kids.

I learned how to choose the best curriculum for my children.  I learned how to adjust what we had so it suited my individual children’s learning styles and preferences.  I learned how to embrace their strengths, overcome their challenges, and empower them on their path of learning.

Now, I feel confident we are all on the right track.  We have a high-quality homeschool that truly sets up each of my kids for success in their adult lives.

And it’s not all about the kids.  I learned how to value myself and how to make space for my own growth and development through these years.  

Now we have a homeschool that is built on relationship, connection, and building memories that will last us a lifetime.

What You’ll Get

I will take you through, step by step, exactly how I execute my Nurture Sequence when I reflect on, and plan my homeschool.

Nurture Your Homeschool Process Diagram

I am so grateful to be fully connected with my children, responsive to their needs, and confident in my ability to create a homeschool environment that enriches their learning each and every day.  I know how to respond to challenges, how to make things work for each child, and how to prioritise learning in a way that works for my kids.  I love being able to draw from the richest homeschooling philosophies in a way that meets the needs of my family.

If you are ready to unpack what your children need and find out how to choose and implement the highest-quality curriculum and learning program, join me in Homeschool Reflections now.

Homeschool Reflections is an online course with audio tracks, lessons, and printable worksheets to guide your journey.

You Will Learn:

How to identify your child’s learning style, interests, and needs

How to include your own values and interests

How to choose the right curriculum for your family

How to create engaging and successful lesson plans

How to record your learning for easy homeschool registration

Homeschool reflections curriculum planning course

A Sneak Peak of What We’ll Cover Together:

Your Homeschool Transformation for just $97 (Valued at $297+AUD)

  • Learn what makes your child truly special and unique.
  • Take some time to pause and get to know your child on a deeper level.
  • Find out how you can weave joy into your child’s homeschool.
  • Banish those doubts and fears you have around your capacity to homeschool.
  • Learn from your experiences – positively reflect on the highs and lows you’ve been through in your homeschool so you can map your journey forward.
  • Guided visualisations to imagine and develop your future direction for your homeschool.
  • Honestly and productively evaluate how your child’s homeschool is tracking.
  • Adjust your process for multiple children.
  • Weave your own needs into your homeschool.
  • Dream and develop your vision of your homeschool legacy.
  • Draw from family and community relationships to strengthen your homeschool.
  • Find space for your family values and traditions.
  • Look for ways your children’s needs are being reflected back at you.
  • Understand what you need as a baseline from your homeschool.
  • Find tips and tricks for maximising your budget and saving money.
  • Learn how to pick the right resources for your children every time.
  • Develop your homeschool outline into a written plan for your own guidance, memories, or for a formal homeschool registration process.


Free Bonus 1: Record Keeping Tools (valued at $12aud)

  • Learn how to record the details about your learning so you can present them for a homeschool registration process, or just to keep for memory’s sake.
Learning Records Free Inclusion

Free Bonus 2: Planning Tools (valued at $12aud)

  • Learn how you can plan the finer details of your homeschool delivery with templates for weekly or daily planning.
Learning Plans Free Inclusion

Free Bonus 3: 30 Minute Coaching & Brainstorming Call (valued at $147aud)

  • Book your exclusive 30 minute session with me and I will help you really unpack your child’s learning strengths, needs, and obstacles.  Or, use the time to help put things together for your homeschool registration.  It’s your time, so we’ll make it work for you.
avoid homeschool burnout self compassion

Money Back Guarantee

I know homeschooling can be tough on the budget. I won’t waste your time or your money. If this program isn’t for you, no problem – just reach out and I will refund your money.


Lifetime access to Homeschool Reflections ecourse for (Valued at 197aud).

FREE BONUS #1: Record Keeping Tools (Valued at $12aud)

FREE BONUS #2: Planning Tools (Valued at $12aud

FREE BONUS #3: 30 Minute Coaching & Brainstorming Call (Valued at $147aud)


What Others Have Said

What You Will Get

Homeschool Reflections Course Modules




This Is For You If:


  • You want to build a homeschool curriculum that matches your child’s learning styles and preferences.
  • You want to understand your child’s strengths & challenges and adapt your homeschool journey to their needs.
  • You want to know how to pick the best curriculum and learning resources.
  • You want a high quality education for your family.
  • You want to value yourself and invest in your own growth during these homeschool years.

This Is Not For You If:


  • You want an off-the-shelf package that delivers learning without any reflection.  (You still might want to buy an all-in-one curriculum and that is fine!  But this course will help you implement that for each individual child).
  • You haven’t got the time to reflect on your child’s learning or adjust your materials accordingly.
  • You don’t want to have a fulfilling and exciting homeschool.

Why Learn From Me?

Carmen Smith Magic Art Homeschool
  • I have been homeschooling my five kids for over ten years.
  • I have spent years immersing myself in educational philosophy, academic theories, learning and development theories, and tweaking all of that for my actual lived homeschooling experience.
  • I have an Associate Degree in Educational Studies, but I don’t let that stop me from thinking outside the box.

  • I have run homeschool coops, group lessons, and countless homeschool excursions.
  • I value inclusivity and diversity. There is no one approach to homeschooling and I want to support you to build the learning environment that works for your family.
  • I have represented homeschoolers on government panels and committees.
  • Most of all, I love seeing relationships flourish and confidence bloom – and that’s what I’m going to see for you.


Is this right for brand new homeschoolers?

Yes!  Even if you haven’t started homeschooling yet, I will help you develop a reflective process to better understand your child and build your homeschool from that.

Is this right for experienced homeschoolers?

Yes again!  If you’ve been homeschooling a few days, months, or even years you are in the right place.  You will reflect on what has or hasn’t worked in your homeschool as you get to know your child’s learning needs and preferences better.  And you’ll put it all together into your curriculum and homeschool plan.

Does it matter where I live?

No.  You can join no matter where you are from.  Provided you speak English, because I only speak English!  All resources are online and useful no matter the legal system that oversees your homeschool.

There are strict laws where I homeschool, is this still useful for me?

Absolutely.  It doesn’t matter where you live or what the law looks like – your children are still your children, and your relationships are still important.  So I will help you unpack your child’s needs so you can strengthen your relationships, and you can implement that exactly how the law lets you in your country.

Does it matter what homeschooling philosophy I follow?

I welcome all homeschoolers!  Charlotte Mason, Steiner, Eclectic, Classical, Unschooling, Worldschooling, Gameschooling – whatever-schooling, this is the right place for you to get closer to your child and family.

How long will I have access?

For the lifetime of this course!  You can come back to this content over and over again as often as you like.

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